Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The affect of Caffeine on pulse rate Essay Example for Free

The affect of Caffeine on pulse rate Essay Stimulants are a class of drug that boosts, alternates and increases your energy levels and they activity of the nervous system. Caffeine is in drinks, such as; Coca-Cola, tea and coffee, these are called caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is not normally recognised as a drug to most. Caffeine has an effect on your heart rate, (this is how fact your hear beats) Caffeine is able to change the way your body and mind works Chocolate is known to have traces of caffeine in it also The aim What is the point this experiment;- My aim in this experiment is to see what effects caffeine is prone to on the heart rate, Also to compare someone’s heart rate who has consumed caffeine to someone’s who hasn’t. This should give us a developed idea to the effects of caffeine. In this experiment there will be several variables;- The independent variable;-this is the variable I will be changing, this is the number of people of which are drinking the caffeine and the ones who are not. The Dependant variable;-This is the variable we measure, I’m measuring the persons heart rate, then working out the difference to show what effects caffeine is likely to have on the heart rate. Controlled variables;- The following variables I am keeping the same;- Room temperature The volume of the drink No-one will consume caffeinated food or drinks beforehand. From what information I have collected I predict that the pulse rate of the people drinking the caffeinated drinks will have an increased pulse, because as research shows, caffeine is a stimulant. Therefor the prediction of an increased heart rate when caffeine enters the blood stream seems reliable. I also think after a certain period of time, when the caffeine has left the persons system that the heart rate will lower again. Caffeinated Or Not? What will I do? How will I do it? Method;- you will need†¦ Six cups A bottle of a caffeinated drink A bottle of a de-caffeinated drink Heart rate monitor or a simple stop watch A table of results to record your data Steps;- What am I going to do? 1) Prepare 6 people to take part in the experiment. 2) Make each person sit down for 15 minutes in order to calm their heart rate. 3) Pour the caffeinated drink into three cups of a 300 cm cubed volume. 4) Pour the de-caffeinated drink into another 3 cups of the same size. Making sure that the people participating in the experiment do not see which drink they are being given( Blind testing) 5) Take each person’s heart rate and record it in a table. This is the starting point 6) Give each person their drink, still making sure you carry out a blind test. 7) Take each person’s heart rate every 30 seconds; continue to do this for a further 5 minutes. 8) After 5 minutes, take one final heart rate, this will help with your results. 9) Create a table of results to hold your information in, make sure the table is clear to read and easy to understand. 10) Work out the difference between everyone’s heart rate Method 2;- Shortened version;- 1) Prepare six people for the experiment by making each person sit down for 15 minutes to calm their heart rate. 2) Pour a caffeinated drink into 3 polyester cups of a 300cm cubed volume. 3) Do the same with the de-caffeinated drinks. 4) Label the caffeinated drinks ‘a’ and the de-caffeinated drinks ‘b’, so you won’t mix them up, but don’t let the participants know which label represents which drink. 5) Take each person’s heart rate; this is your starting point. 6) Give each person their drink, at random. 7) Take each person’s heart and record it in a table of results, do this every 30 seconds for a further 5 minutes. 8) With your results fill in your table and work out the difference between the heart rates, this should indicate the heart rates affected by caffeine. About my graph;- The graph I used for this experiment is a line graph; it shows various results of different pupil’s heart rate. The lines on the graph are all unique; some have a sudden increase in heart rate whilst others have not. Pupil one;- which is the pink line had a base rate of ‘72’ this remained constant throughout the experiment, only rising and falling by a small few. However pupil two had a base rate of ’78’ but after drinking the drink at around 8-9 minutes the heart rate increased dramatically. Overall 3 results (pupils 1,3 and 5) practically remained the same, whilst the other three (pupils 2,4 and 6) had several increases whilst the drink being in their system. Summing up my results;- We know from research that caffeine is a stimulant and stimulants affect the pace of your heart. So the three results that have a big increase in their heart rate, seem to show that they had caffeine in their system. However we did discover an anomaly, after 8 minutes pupil two’s heart rate had a dramatic increase. This may well have been the caffeine but it’s more likely to have been caused by something called a ‘placebo’ effect. This is when the pupil consuming the drink in the experiment got excited and this is what made the sudden increase in the pupil’s heart rate. After two minutes pupil four’s heart rate increased also, however this time, the increase remained constant for a further two minutes before starting to drop again. This state a more obvious term of the effect of caffeine. The graph clearly shows which results are the ones effected by caffeine, and the ones which are not. Amendments;- what I can I do better next time? In future experiments like this one, I think I would make sure that no-one involved in the experiment eats or drinks any caffeinated products before taking part in the experiment. This ensures us that their heart beat is at its normal pace. Because talking and movement can affect how our hearts beat I would also make sure that everyone in the experiment sits down for a longer period of time that was done before. This helps the heart lower to its base rate. Our results weren’t really valid because we were unable to control our controlled variable, this may be because the person who had consumed caffeine insisted on talking to everyone else, so this would have increased the other people’s heart rates also. In future experiments we can delay this by keeping people apart after taking part in the experiment, this way they cannot influence each other’s behaviour. Research has shown us that caffeine on average takes around 45 minutes to enter the blood stream, so we cannot be certain our results were due to the effects of caffeine. This could be amended by measuring the pulse rate over a longer time span, so the caffeine had longer to affect our pulse. In the experiment I chose to measure my pulse over a period of two minutes, next time to show more valid and reliable results I would measure my heart rate over shorter intervals. Finally one more improvement would be to test more caffeinated drinks with our pulses, so then we can rule out the thought off the results being due to glucose or so on, we then can be sure its definitely caffeine that’s increasing out hear rate. Conclusion;- what do I think? From this experiment I can conclude that caffeine can affect different people in different ways, depending on their diet, sex and size. Whether they are used to drinking caffeine constantly and how much their body can take of it. My prediction on average was correct as I suggested that the people with caffeine in their system were most likely to have a higher heart rate. This was mainly correct, but I was shocked to find out that my results were not valid due to the length of time caffeine takes to enter the blood stream. An example of caffeine being used may be when an athlete drinks a caffeinated drink before they take part in their sporting event, the effect would be the increase in their pulse and more energy would be dispersed in the body. Personally I don’t think this is fair, as I previously said caffeine effects different people in different ways, so caffeine could have a strong effect on certain people, whilst it has a less strong effect on others. This affects the balance of the game and it’s not natural energy being used in the event. This could be classed as cheating.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Passionate Learning :: Philosophy Psychology Education Essays

Passionate Learning To lack [self-respect] is to be locked within oneself, paradoxically incapable of either love or indifference.....It is the phenomenon sometimes called 'alienation from self.' In it's advanced stage, we no longer answer the telephone, because someone might want something; that we could say no without drowning in self-reproach is an idea alien to this game. -Joan Didion, "On Self-Respect" Last Spring, as part of a senior project, I took Tai Chi classes and researched how meditation is used in mind/body medicine. I read several books by doctors who use meditation as a form of healing, in stress-reduction clinics and as treatment for people suffering from severe pain and panic disorders. One doctor in particular, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches a method he calls mindfulness, in which he has his patients meditate in order to achieve total mind/body awareness. Zinn instructs patients to focus on their pain and to become aware of it. This often helps them realize that they can live with their pain. No pain is too extreme, he says, in the same way that no emotion is a wrong emotion. Awareness is the only absolute, and the only thing that allows people to live in the moment. Not live for the moment, but live in the moment. I left that project feeling extremely aware and extremely at peace. After three years of struggling to find answers, happiness, and a sense of purpose, I began to appreciate my present state of mind. I began to revel in the struggle, confusion, and push of not knowing. And as I approached graduation, my high school experience suddenly made sense to me. I understood life as a system of games. High school was simply one of them. I came to realize that playing games was both understandable and necessary as long as we are aware that we are playing them. I realized that a major struggle throughout high school had been my struggle to resist playing its game. I spent my three years at boarding school governed by my passions rather than playing by the rules of the institution. And in refusing to play by its rules, I made it increasingly more difficult for me to function within its realm. By rules, I do not mean the actual do's and don't's, but rather, I am referring to the prompts the school sets up in order to fulfill its goals as an academic institution.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Ascii Code

Samuel Mercuri MGF 1107 Pickle Project 7 Computers do not recognize letters, text, or words. They only deal with numbers. To get computers to work with text, we have to represent each character as a number. The text files you read and write are actually stored, loaded into memory, and transposed into numbers. When the file is shown on your screen, the numbers are transposed again into letters and text. The first 31 ASCII codes control commands, or non printable characters that control how the data will be interpreted. ASCII is a computer code originally based on the letters of the English alphabet.It is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange and is used to represent text in computers, communications equipment, and texting devices. Each letter and number is given an ASCII code. Certain commands are also given an ASCII code. For example, the ASCII code for A is 65, and the ASCII code for 4 is 52. Work on the ASCII code started in 1960, and in 1968 President L yndon B Johnson mandated that all computers purchased by the United States government support ASCII code. Computers use ASCII code to communicate with each other. http://www. ascii-code. com/The following table shows the ASCII code for letters, numbers, and commands. The ASCII code for the word â€Å"Bears† would be: 66 101 97 114 115. Note that the ASCII code is different for uppercase and lowercase letters. B: 66 e: 101 a: 97 r: 114 s: 115 By the same token- the code: 68 105 115 110 99 121 would read â€Å"Disney† once transposed. 68: D 105: i 115: s 110: n 99: e 121: y You could see these as an example of how we use our computers to communicate. We type letters and words, the computer transposes them into a code that it can understand and sends it to your friend’s computer.Your friend’s computer understands the code and transposes it back into text so your friend can read what you wrote. [pic] http://www. tntbasic. com/learn/help/guides/asciicodesexpla ined. htm Why is ASCII code important? Because ASCII files can be used as a common denominator for data conversions. Let’s say Program A can’t convert its data to the format of program B. But if both programs can input and output ASCII code, then the conversion may still be possible. Most e-mail transmissions are limited to ASCII characters.Because of this, it is not possible to use special formatting such as Italics or underlines. This is also why graphic files, music, spreadsheets, or documents with non ASCII characters in them must be sent as attachments to the e-mail. When they reach their destination, they will be â€Å"decoded† for use. http://www. telacommunications. com/nutshell/ascii. htm These words come together to make sentences. So for example: â€Å"Who let the dogs out? † would look like this: 87 104 111 32 108 101 116 32 116 104 101 32 100 111 103 115 32 111 117 116 63 87 104 111: Who 2: space bar 108 101 116: let 32: space bar 116 104 101 : the 32: space bar 100 111 103: dogs 32: space bar 111 117 116 63: out? Some people will even use ASCII code to draw pictures called â€Å"ASCII art†. This person drew a picture of Mickey Mouse. _____ .d88888888bo. .d8888888888888b. 8888888888888888b 888888888888888888 888888888888888888 Y8888888888888888 ,od888888888888888888P .'`Y8P'â€Å"`'Y8888888888P' .'_ ` _ ‘Y88888888b / _` _ ` Y88888888b ____ _ | / / 8888888888. d888888b. d8b | | /| | /| 8888888888d8888888888b 888_ \_|/ \_|/ d888888888888888888888b .Y8P `'-. d88888888888888888888888 / ` ` `Y8888888888888888 | __ 888888888888888P / ` dPY8888888888P' ‘. _ . ‘ . ‘ `Y888888P` `†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ-. ,__ ___. -‘ . -‘ jgs `-. _â€Å"â€Å" __.. –‘` â€Å"â€Å"â€Å" ASCII code is different from binary code because it only transfers files as text. Examples of ASCII files would be . txt, . asp, . html, and . php. Binary code is used to transfer raw data such as music, vide os, or pictures.If someone tries to decode a document containing such raw data using ASCII, they will probably get a response that the file is corrupted. There are programs online that can transfer between ASCII code and binary code. http://www. coreftp. com/docs/web1/Ascii_vs_Binary_transfers. htm There is also an upper case ASCII table which is not officially recognized. It tends to vary based on the computer or font being used. Some characters in this table are more common than others. [pic] In short, ASCII code is how our computers operate, process information, and communicate among each other.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Mechanics Of Aircraft And Its Developments - 806 Words

My interest in psychology did not spark naturally as a freshman undergraduate whose major was initially aerospace engineering. My curiosity for the mechanics of aircraft and its developments. I vividly imagined dissembling into individual components as a challenge to put them back together. In fact, my dream was to transform how aircrafts are created to prevent mechanical failures and ultimately save lives. My love for machinery eventually led me down to the road of psychology. Analogously, humans are complex machines where psychology is a way to decipher and understand the mechanical processes of the human mind. My introduction to psychology had captivated much curiosity about the mind and how it works. I ponder about various aspects of the mind given the ways people conceptualize thoughts that affect the core feelings and emotions, and ultimately impacting their behaviors to make choices. People are free agents whose complexity poses many challenges to understand completely. Like mechanical gears with various moving parts including genetics, cultures, sexual orientation, traumas, values, family upbringing, and how all together influence their cognitive processes, the mind is influenced by both nature and nurture. From something that started as a raw curiosity, it has turned my passion to empathy for others. My interests in helping people had led me to my very first undergraduate internship, working with a diverse group of foster adolescents who presented withShow MoreRelated Faa Part 43 Essay1377 Words   |  6 PagesPart 43 and its Managerial Implications. When we talk about aviation maintenance, we speak of repairs, alterations and the act of preserving an aircraft in its original airworthy condition. An airworthiness certificate is given to an aircraft after countless hours of design, research and testing. And in order to keep this certificate valid; an aircraft must be maintained in accordance with a certain specification. 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